Texture editor

A guide to creating fantasy Textures

Texture editor

Texture editor

Textures are an integral part of the hex map editor, because unlike the battle map editor, the hex editor has no tools for painting over surfaces other than textures. Using textures you can create land, seas or even clouds. There are often quite a few different textures available in other applications, but, as it al-ways happens, the texture you want isn`t there. Typically, you might want to take `this one` texture and change its colour, but what if you lack knowledge of Photoshop or other image editing software? In that case, our texture editor will be able to help you.

Suppose you have a texture that just needs a colour correction, in this case all you need to do is to up-load it to our server and perform the colour correction with the help of our filters. When you upload a texture, we will save both the original and the edited version.

If you don`t have a texture yet, you can always create your own one. Our RPG texture editor has a large library of terrain images that will help you make a texture from scratch and then use it to create maps.

Editor description

The road editor is an overlay application that is always at hand, so you can add and edit textures while creating maps. All changes will be applied to the current and all your maps at once.

We have tried to make the editor as simple and intuitive as possible and, as with the texture transition editor, the layout of the editor is familiar: left panel, central canvas and right panel.


By creating your own textures, you create unique worlds for your players. Experiment, there is no right or wrong approach. We believe that the overlay structure of our project makes it a lot easier to try out different assets on the fly rather than painfully and distressingly choose specific icons or textures from a list sold by the developers. Create, then share your opinions with us in our Discord channel!

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